Return Policy

We ship the same day through USPS Priority mail. All orders typically arrive in 3-5 days, some of our customers have emailed us they have received in 2 days! You will receive a tracking number via email once your product has shipped.
To track orders go to my account or check email for USPS tracking number
You are only charged sales tax if required by your state for web transactions
At this time we are only able to ship in the United States, if and when this changes we will update you.
Most orders all ship in one box depending on the amount of poundage ordered.
The answer is NO, we use a encrypted secure payment system with Stripe. We receive your payment without storing any card information.
We do not accept any returns on food items, Please see the policy and support on Unboxing of product for further instructions PRIOR to opening your package. Proof will be required and sent to Summer Seed customer service before any replacement would be issued, in addition USPS insurance is provided through your tracking number.
Contact us on the main page. Place your comments, questions, or concerns by emailing us at and we will respond within 24 hours.
We triple check every item, if any error occurred you must upload the unboxing video to us via email. Video must show shipping label, content when unsealing box and Invoice from inside box. This needs to be one continuous video recording without stopping, cutting, or interruptions. Camera must remain on the package at all times. This includes opening and cutting the seals on both bags.
If damaged USPS Priority mail insures your package. You contact USPS with your tracking number and place an insurance claim with USPS.
We ship daily, please ensure a proper shipping address! Your tracking number will provide you a way to contact USPS for pickup of any undeliverable box due to the wrong address. This would delay your product and we would hate to see you wait… So double check before submitting orders please!
If your order has been shipped and a tracking number provided unfortunately there is no way for us to assist with changes or canceling of the order.